Laser Treatments for All Skin Tones
Dual wavelength medical-grade laser treatments for hair removal, vein removal, age spots, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation. We use the most advanced laser technology available. The result is that our full-spectrum lasers are effective in treating skin conditions on a wide variety of skin tones. Women of many different ethnicities trust our aestheticians to treat hyperpigmentation and other skin conditions with successful results.
Laser Hair Removal
Our advanced laser hair removal system is designed to work on a variety of skin types – providing a lasting hair removal solution for women of all ages and many ethnicities. Laser hair removal is safe and effective on any area of the body.
Spider Vein Treatment
Our medical-grade laser and trained aestheticians provide an effective solution for facial and leg veins that can be unsightly and uncomfortable. In addition, this system is used to remove age spots, sun damage, reduce wrinkles, rosacea, pregnancy mask, and more. Talk with us. Find out if this safe and permanent treatment will provide the outcome you want.
Photofacial & IPL
A PhotoFacial uses the laser to target dark spots including age spots, sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and discoloration. We carry two lasers, PhotoFacial and Intense Pulse Light (IPL), both with different energy levels. Your aesthetician will help determine the best laser for your skin type and skin concerns.
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Kathie Carlson
3 weeks ago
Emily is just wonderful. She always explains every detail of the process and takes great care of my skin.